Kaprálová: Waving Farewell / Phan, Cheng, Keisler, Kiesler, University of Michigan S.O.

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Release Date
June 25, 2021
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Despite her tragically early death at the age of 25, Vítězslava Kaprálová left a portfolio of more than 50 works of the highest craftsmanship and inspiration. this selection of her orchestral music, recorded at the Kaprálová Festival in Michigan, includes the work that won her international esteem in 1938, the Military Sinfonietta. abounding in youthful energy and brilliant colors, the Piano Concerto marries virtuosity with lyricism, while the orchestral songs are both atmospheric and striking.


Handsomely recorded, Kenneth Kiesler conducts the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra in convincing, invigorating and satisfying accounts which, I’m sure, will win these compelling scores many friends. A deep love and commitment to this composer conveys itself throughout. The booklet contains Czech texts and English translations of the two vocal items. I urge you to explore.

-- MusicWeb International

Despite her tragically early death at the age of 25, Kaprálová left a portfolio of more than 50 works of the highest craftsmanship and inspiration. this selection of her orchestral music, recorded at the Kaprálová Festival in Michigan, includes the work that won her international esteem in 1938, the Military Sinfonietta, abounding in youthful energy and brilliant colors and the 23-minute piano concerto of 1935 which marries virtuosity with lyricism, while the orchestral songs are both atmospheric and striking.

-- Records International

This is a poignant memento of lost talent—but one well worth hearing for what we have as well as for what never came to be. These recordings have their roots in a Kaprálová Festival at the University of Michigan in September 2015, but the recording dates suggest that most, if not all, of the performances were recorded later in the academic year. And while the University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra would never be mistaken for a major orchestra, the enthusiasm is palpable. Nicholas Phan…sings with an infectious ardor, and Amy I-Lin Cheng knocks off the Piano Concerto with aplomb. Through it all, conductor Kenneth Kiesler shows commitment to the cause.

-- Fanfare

Product Description:

  • Release Date: June 25, 2021

  • UPC: 747313414475

  • Catalog Number: 8574144

  • Label: Naxos

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Vítezslava, Kapralova

  • Orchestra/Ensemble: University Of Michigan Symphony Orchestra

  • Performer: Cheng, Phan, Dual