Ars Produktion

  • Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Beach et al: Amoroso - Duos for Guitar & Cello / Peña Comas, Lancelle
    Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Beach et al: Amoroso - Duos for Guitar & Cello / Peña Comas, Lancelle


    It is difficult to imagine a more touching sound than the gentle voice of a cello accompanied by the sweet tones of a Spanish guitar. In fact, for Nicole Peña Comas and Damien Lancelle, these...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 21, 2022

  • A Bird Fancyer's Delight / Ensemble Sonorità
    A Bird Fancyer's Delight / Ensemble Sonorità


    “What a whimsical and diverse play between the poles of "nature" and "art" unfolds here! Rich in color and immensely playful, the Ensemble Sonorità knows how to plumb the space between these poles with the...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 21, 2022

  • Ifukube & Janacek: Japan Czech Inspiration / Iwasaki, Pilsen Philharmonic
    Ifukube & Janacek: Japan Czech Inspiration / Iwasaki, Pilsen Philharmonic


    Akira Ifukube writes: “The folk song! I have been living in it since my childhood. A folk song contains the whole person: his body, his soul, his environment, everything around him. Whoever grows up with...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 21, 2022

  • Mozart the Poet Piano Sonatas, Vol. 4 - K. 330-332 / Wessel
    Mozart the Poet Piano Sonatas, Vol. 4 - K. 330-332 / Wessel


    Michael Wessel is a professor for piano playing, song accompaniment and methodology at the University of Protestant Church Music in Bayreuth. He studied piano, composition, music theory and school music in four major courses at...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: October 21, 2022

  • Albright, G.F. Haas, Mellits & Shaw: Transcend / Fukio Quartet
    Albright, G.F. Haas, Mellits & Shaw: Transcend / Fukio Quartet


    “With Transcend, the Fukio Quartet illustrates the experience and feeling of the global crisis that has strongly influenced their work over many months: The Corona Pandemic. Between cancelled concerts and an uncertainty if and when...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: October 21, 2022

  • Fairytales: A Swedish Children's Book Set to Art Songs / Nordic Light Duo
    Fairytales: A Swedish Children's Book Set to Art Songs / Nordic Light Duo


    Märchenhaft (Swedish "sagolikt") is a concert program by Nordic Light Duo inspired by the wonderful fairy tale world of the popular children's book author Elsa Beskow. Devotedly and lovingly designed, Beskow's fairy tales and illustrations...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: September 16, 2022

  • Schneider: Christ the Child / Brandt, Bill, Sánchez, Scheeben, Lüken, Wuppertal Symphony
    Schneider: Christ the Child / Brandt, Bill, Sánchez, Scheeben, Lüken, Wuppertal Symphony


    As early as the 1820s, the Dessau court Kapellmeister Friedrich Schneider conceived the plan to compose a coherent series of four full-length oratorios dealing with the life of Jesus. Although Schneider did not realize his...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: September 16, 2022

  • Bonis: Memoires d'une femme / Miriam Barbeaux-Cohen
    Bonis: Memoires d'une femme / Miriam Barbeaux-Cohen


    The French composer Mélanie Bonis (1858-1937) came from a modest family of the Parisian petty bourgeoisie. Nothing is known about any musical background on her part: music remains her very personal passion. Immediately enchanted by...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: September 16, 2022

  • Bartók, Ravel, Rachmaninoff et al: Heritage Transatlantique - Music for Harp / Bertrand
    Bartók, Ravel, Rachmaninoff et al: Heritage Transatlantique - Music for Harp / Bertrand


    This project tells of European-American musical exchange at the beginning of the 20th century, the golden era of the transatlantic liners. Through concert tours and emigrations, the chosen composers toured and emigrated across the Atlantic,...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: September 16, 2022

  • Bach, Chopin, Schubert, Lysenko at al: Death - Mourning - Consolation / Margolina, Hait
    Bach, Chopin, Schubert, Lysenko at al: Death - Mourning - Consolation / Margolina, Hait


    The topics of death, mourning and consolation move people more than ever. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this theme has come upon us in a cruel and numbing way. The music and lyrics of...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: August 19, 2022

  • Zu Gast Im Blauen Haus
    Zu Gast Im Blauen Haus


    Der Musikalische Garten's second recording "A Visit to the Blue House: Trio Sonatas" continues their exploration of the collection of 18th century Basel merchant Lucas Sarasin. Building on the strengths of their debut with the...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: November 13, 2015

  • Vivaldi: Concerti per fagotto, Vol. 2 / Fukui, Power, Ensemble F
    Vivaldi: Concerti per fagotto, Vol. 2 / Fukui, Power, Ensemble F


    Antonio Vivaldi's bassoon concertos convince not only with their astonishingly authentic composition, but also with their almost inexhaustible ingenuity and their extraordinary musical quality. On her second release for Ars Produktion, featuring bassoon concertos by...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 21, 2018

  • Virtuose Violinmusik: Vivaldi, Telemann
    Virtuose Violinmusik: Vivaldi, Telemann


    Program music refers to music explicitly created to evoke a mood or circumstance, or to illuminate occurrences in nature or acts of humanity and while arguably the form was most predominant during the Romantic era,...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: November 13, 2015

  • Virtuose Oboenkonzerte
    Virtuose Oboenkonzerte


    Import Hybrid-SACD pressing.

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: January 01, 2009

  • Vanitas: Chamber Music from the Early Baroque / Ensemble Matis
    Vanitas: Chamber Music from the Early Baroque / Ensemble Matis


    Alfredo Casella was born in Turin in 1883. His exceptional musical talent was discovered early on and supported by the composers Giuseppe Martucci and Giovanni Sgambati. On the advice of Martucci, the thirteen-year-old was sent...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: July 21, 2017