Ars Produktion

  • Concerti & Symphonie, Vol. 9: Pleyel, Dussek
    Concerti & Symphonie, Vol. 9: Pleyel, Dussek


    Ignaz Pleyel biography and music have everything a composer need not only for the contemporaries but also for posterity to be in the center of attention: a remarkable talent, with Haydn a prominent teacher, a...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 27, 2012

  • Complete Works For Organ
    Complete Works For Organ


    Classical Music

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: January 23, 2010

  • Clara Und Robert Schumann: Instrumentalkonzerte
    Clara Und Robert Schumann: Instrumentalkonzerte


    In addition to the highly virtuosic Concert for four Horns and Orchestra by Robert Schumann and the Piano Concerts in A minor, Op.7 by his wife Clara, this recording presents two other extremely listenable concert...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: March 25, 2014

  • Chopin Legacy / Fukuma
    Chopin Legacy / Fukuma


    The 24 Preludes and the Sonata in B minor are among the most significant works by Chopin. Despite his poor health, Chopin was able to complete the Preludes during his stay on the island of...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: September 15, 2017

  • Charles Dolle: Pieces De Viole
    Charles Dolle: Pieces De Viole


    Unfortunately we know absolutely nothing about the life of Charles Dollé. Not even his approximate birth and death dates are known. From his six collections of instrumental works published between 1737 and 1754 we can...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 01, 2012

  • Chant D'automne: Franzosische Hornmusik
    Chant D'automne: Franzosische Hornmusik


    Classical Music

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: January 23, 2010

  • Celloconcertossinfoniaschristianernstgrafcarlfriedrichabel


    The life and work of Christian Ernst Graf (1723-1804) remains largely unexplored - a striking fact given the outstanding quality of the works that have been re-discovered and recorded. Little is known about Christian Ernst's...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: June 21, 2010

  • Cello Abbey / Rochat, Meyer, Staatskapelle Weimar
    Cello Abbey / Rochat, Meyer, Staatskapelle Weimar


    Even if the title refers more to the gothic sacred buildings of England, Nadege Rochat, inspired by her two-year studies in London, wanted to place the no less spectacular mansions of the island a musical...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: June 16, 2017

  • Bernhard Romberg: Symphonien
    Bernhard Romberg: Symphonien


    Classical Music

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: January 23, 2010

  • Bach & Mendelssohn: Piano Concertos / Weyer, Pak, Berliner Camerata
    Bach & Mendelssohn: Piano Concertos / Weyer, Pak, Berliner Camerata


    Johann Sebastian Bach’s harpsichord concertos were written between 1729 and 1740 in Leipzig. The Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 was the first in the history of the keyboard concerto to contain an extended solo part for...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: September 15, 2017

  • B-A-C-H: Ich Ruf Zu Dir / Aurelia Shimkus
    B-A-C-H: Ich Ruf Zu Dir / Aurelia Shimkus


    Aurelia Shimkus wanted to create a selection of works that would best illustrate Bach's relationship to the divine sphere. Because prayers are the best way to communicate and get in touch with the divine, she...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: January 29, 2016

  • Antonio Vivaldi: Concerti per Fagotto / Fukui, Ensemble "F"
    Antonio Vivaldi: Concerti per Fagotto / Fukui, Ensemble "F"


    Classical Music

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: October 28, 2014

  • Addinsell, Rota, Piazzolla: Piano Concertos / Donka Angatschewa
    Addinsell, Rota, Piazzolla: Piano Concertos / Donka Angatschewa


    The three composers of the works selected for this recording represent, each in their own way, the synchronicity of the asynchronous during the 20th c. These contemporaries experienced most of the century, in particular the...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: March 31, 2015

  • A 2 Violin - Music For Scordatura Violins /  Der Musikalische Garten
    A 2 Violin - Music For Scordatura Violins / Der Musikalische Garten


    These works for “mistuned” violins provide a programmatically unique and musically very satisfying foray into repertoire that was very popular in the 16th to early 18th centuries. There’s nothing stylistically groundbreaking here–it’s all well within...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: August 26, 2014

  • Brahms: Klavierstücke, Opp. 116-119 / Yunus Kaya
    Brahms: Klavierstücke, Opp. 116-119 / Yunus Kaya


    It is important to Yunus Kaya to let his interpretation seem spontaneous, almost improvisational, with all the care of rehearsal. Ilona Eibenschütz, a student of Clara Schumann who met Brahms personally and visited him during...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 16, 2021