
  • The Cello In Spain: Boccherini And Other 18th-century Virtuosi
    The Cello In Spain: Boccherini And Other 18th-century Virtuosi


    If the history of eighteenth-century cello music and performance in Spain is still waiting to be written, Josetxu Obregón and La Ritirata are bringing us up close to the instrument’s role during that time with...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: May 26, 2015

  • Terzo libro di madrigali a cinque voci / La Compagnia del Madrigale
    Terzo libro di madrigali a cinque voci / La Compagnia del Madrigale


    With Carlo Gesualdos Third Book of madrigals La Compagnia del madrigal continue their dynamic new view of late Renaissance Italian repertoire, which has seen the vocal ensemble garlanded with critical praises and prizes since the...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 28, 2016

  • Telemann: Fantasias for Viola da Gamba / Pandolfo
    Telemann: Fantasias for Viola da Gamba / Pandolfo


    With his new recording of Telemann’s Fantasias Paolo Pandolfo is continuing to take the viola da gamba in directions little chartered previously. After his Kind of Satie release, Pandolfo once again demonstrates his musical versatility...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 01, 2017

  • Telemann: Chamber Music with Flute
    Telemann: Chamber Music with Flute


    Georg Philip Telemann, capable, as few others were, of depicting the aesthetic ideal of the time, with elements of Italian, French, English and even Polish styles. Telemann positioning the traverso in its rightful place really...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: July 29, 2016

  • Sweelinck: Cantiones Sacrae / van der Kamp, Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam
    Sweelinck: Cantiones Sacrae / van der Kamp, Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam


    In the summer of 2009 Harry van der Kamp and his Gesualdo Consort Amsterdam finished, with the recording of these Cantiones Sacrae, their epic journey through the complete vocal oeuvre of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck. All...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: June 27, 2011

  • Striggio: Mass for 40 and 60 Voices / Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel
    Striggio: Mass for 40 and 60 Voices / Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel


    As his starting point for a brand new recording of the music from the polychoral Renaissance and the "monumental Baroque", with Alessandro Striggio's 40 and 60-part Missa sopra Ecco sì beato giorno leading the way,...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: February 06, 2012

  • Sonatas


    Classical Music

    Format: CD

    Release Date: August 01, 2011

  • Siface: L'amor castrato / Mineccia, Illan, Nereydas
    Siface: L'amor castrato / Mineccia, Illan, Nereydas


    Format: CD

    Release Date: March 02, 2018

  • Semper Dowland / Jose Miguel Moreno, Eligio Quinteiro
    Semper Dowland / Jose Miguel Moreno, Eligio Quinteiro


    One of the most attractive and poignant repertories from across the whole Renaissance is undoubtedly to be found in the output of John Dowland, the composer of the greatly-admired Lachrimae and the musical representative of...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: July 01, 2013

  • Richard Jones: Lessons For Harpsichord /  Mitzi Meyerson
    Richard Jones: Lessons For Harpsichord / Mitzi Meyerson


    All we know about Richard Jones is that he was an accomplished violinist in London, who started leading the Drury Lane Orchestra in 1730. The only notice of his death was an obituary that appeared...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: August 23, 2010

  • Ricchezza: Los Santos Ninos / Florio, Cappella Neapolitana
    Ricchezza: Los Santos Ninos / Florio, Cappella Neapolitana


    The indefatigable Antonio Florio, along with his associates from Cappella Neapolitana, has succeeded, with a work by Donato Ricchezza, in unearthing another major rediscovery from the Neapolitan Baroque. The labors of Florio - coupled with...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: March 23, 2018

  • Rameau: Orchestral Suites, Vol. 2 / Bruggen, Orchestra Of The 18th Century
    Rameau: Orchestral Suites, Vol. 2 / Bruggen, Orchestra Of The 18th Century


    It's a rare treat to hear instrumental music of any era that's invested with such tightly packed, colorfully expressive drama, portrayed with just enough instrumental volume and weight that the result is neither undernourished nor...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: August 23, 2010

  • Rameau: Nais / Vashegyi, Purcell Choir, Orfeo Orchestra
    Rameau: Nais / Vashegyi, Purcell Choir, Orfeo Orchestra


    György Vashegyi’s love affair with French Baroque repertoire continues with Rameau’s Naïs from 1749 in a Glossa release complete with a characteristically appealing design. Subtitled “Opéra pour la paix,” Naïs features demanding and extended leading...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 20, 2018

  • Rameau: Les Fetes de Polymnie / Gens, Vashegyi
    Rameau: Les Fetes de Polymnie / Gens, Vashegyi


    This recording of Rameau’s Les Fêtes de Polymnie (1745), directed by György Vashegyi, features Aurélia Legay, Emöke Barath, Mathias Vidal, and the incomparable Véronique Gens in the various vocal roles that appear in the work’s...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 27, 2015

  • Purcell: King Arthur / Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel
    Purcell: King Arthur / Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel


    Classical Music

    Format: CD

    Release Date: July 12, 2004