
  • L'arte del madrigale / La Venexiana
    L'arte del madrigale / La Venexiana


    Over the years Glossa has been at the forefront of releasing recordings of late Renaissance madrigals, and the label has had the pleasure of assisting superlative artists in doing so: none more so than the...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 28, 2016

  • Marais 1689: Pieces A Une Et A Deux Violes Et Basse Continue
    Marais 1689: Pieces A Une Et A Deux Violes Et Basse Continue


    That the viola da gamba music of Marin Marais represents a treasure trove of expressive and technical possibilities is just reason for Paolo Pandolfo's eagerly-awaited return to the composer's works with his new Marais 1689...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 29, 2016

  • Madrigali al tavolino - Multitonal madrigals by Michelangelo Rossi / Keller, Domus Artis Ensemble
    Madrigali al tavolino - Multitonal madrigals by Michelangelo Rossi / Keller, Domus Artis Ensemble


    The thirty-two polyphonic madrigals by Michelangelo Rossi, which are preserved only in manuscript in a score and a set of partbooks, have only recently become known. These pieces are unusual in a number of ways:...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: June 18, 2021

  • Melani: L'empio Punito / Ipata, Auser Musici [3 CDs]
    Melani: L'empio Punito / Ipata, Auser Musici [3 CDs]


    The legendary figure of the libertine Don Juan had been straddling European theatre and opera stages for well over a century before Mozart got into the act with his matchless Don Giovanni. Back in 1669,...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 18, 2020

  • Josquin, the Undead - Laments, deplorations and dances of death / Schmelzer, Graindelavoix
    Josquin, the Undead - Laments, deplorations and dances of death / Schmelzer, Graindelavoix


    Björn Schmelzer and his ensemble provide their special vision in this Josquin Desprez anniversary. With the conviction that Josquin, during his late years, produced works in sight of his own death, Graindelavoix renders compositions included...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 01, 2021

  • Lagrime D'amante / La Compagnia del Madrigale
    Lagrime D'amante / La Compagnia del Madrigale


    With Lagrime d’amante, La Compagnia del Madrigale, so accomplished with 16th- and 17thcentury Italian music and words, turns its attention afresh to the music of Claudio Monteverdi. This new Glossa release faithfully conveys the beauty...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: May 07, 2021

  • Jean-philippe Rameau: Orchestral Works
    Jean-philippe Rameau: Orchestral Works


    Classical Music

    Format: CD

    Release Date: July 28, 2008

  • Handel: Clori, Tirsi e Fileno / Bonizzoni, La Risonanza
    Handel: Clori, Tirsi e Fileno / Bonizzoni, La Risonanza


    The Italian cantata “Clori. Tirsi e Fileno” was written by Handel in 1707 in Rome under the umbrella of the Marchese Ruspoli, one of his most important patrons during his stay in Italy. Released by...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: July 20, 2018

  • Handel: Lucio Cornelio Silla / Biondi, Europa Galante
    Handel: Lucio Cornelio Silla / Biondi, Europa Galante


    No Handel opera is as enigmatic as Silla. His fourth London opera, it was composed in 1713 to a libretto by Giacomo Rossi, also the librettist of the composer’s first great London triumph Rinaldo (1711)....

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 15, 2017

  • Handel: Aci, Galatea e Polifemo /  Pé, Bridelli, Guglielmi, Mastroni, La Lira di Orfeo
    Handel: Aci, Galatea e Polifemo / Pé, Bridelli, Guglielmi, Mastroni, La Lira di Orfeo


    Handel’s dramatic cantata Aci, Galatea e Polifemo is a serenata first performed in Naples in 1708 with a libretto by Niccola Giuvo after Book 13 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Handel adapted this score several times: The...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 17, 2021

  • Kerll: Missa non sine quare / Bonizzoni, La Risonanza
    Kerll: Missa non sine quare / Bonizzoni, La Risonanza


    Johann Caspar Kerll (1627-1693) worked mainly in Vienna, during the 17th century. He was pupil of Carissimi and teacher of Pachelbel, thus belonging within the line of succession culminating in Johann Sebastian Bach, who much...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: August 20, 2021

  • Gasparini: Alto Arias / Mineccia, Perrone, Orchestra Nazionale Barocca dei Conservatori Italiani
    Gasparini: Alto Arias / Mineccia, Perrone, Orchestra Nazionale Barocca dei Conservatori Italiani


    Francesco Gasparini was held in high esteem by his contemporaries, as can be easily seen from his curriculum vitae: In Rome he was in the service of the great patrons of the arts Cardinal Pamphili,...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 17, 2021

  • Georg Friedrich Haendel: Water Music & Fireworks
    Georg Friedrich Haendel: Water Music & Fireworks

    Sold Out

    Classical Music

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: September 29, 2008

  • Forqueray: Pieces de viole / Pandolfo, Balestracci, Lislevand
    Forqueray: Pieces de viole / Pandolfo, Balestracci, Lislevand


    Hubert Le Blanc considered these two players to be two of the leading figures from the world of the French viola da gamba playing, Marin Marais playing like an angel and Antoine Forqueray playing like...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: July 29, 2016

  • Corelli: Sonate per Viola da Gamba & basso continuo, Op. 5 / Balestracci
    Corelli: Sonate per Viola da Gamba & basso continuo, Op. 5 / Balestracci


    The music of Arcangelo Corelli (1653-1713) had an explosive impact on all European musical circles. As both composer and violin virtuoso, Corelli’s reputation and fame was immense. In this regard, there is no lack of...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: August 01, 2021