
  • Posadas: Poética del Laberinto
    Posadas: Poética del Laberinto


    The paths of our thoughts, fantasies, and dreams are often convoluted. Since ancient times, the labyrinth has been a symbol of life itself with it's paths, crossroads, dead ends, and odysseys. Some such mazes, though...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: February 14, 2020



    Apart from an omission in the Credo, the work follows the traditional Latin text of the Ordinary of the Mass. Even though the liturgy, as form and as meaning, has long since ceased to be...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: June 01, 1988



    Robert Schumann and J�rg Widmann - a musical dialogue between a modern and a Romantic composer. WERGO juxtaposes four piano works of the two composers and takes a look at Schumann on his 200th birthday...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: November 02, 2010

  • Olbrisch: Craquelé
    Olbrisch: Craquelé


    The music of Franz Martin Olbrisch is not intended to mean anything - it wants to be what it naturally is: an acoustical experience which becomes an artwork through the act of listening. He places...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 25, 2014

  • G. Kreisler: Complete Works for Piano - Fünf Lieder für Barb
    G. Kreisler: Complete Works for Piano - Fünf Lieder für Barb


    Legendary cabaret performer Georg Kreisler is known for his unparalleled catalog of chansons for which he penned both the lyrics and music, and for his concerts and recordings in which he sang and accompanied himself...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: August 07, 2015

  • Kloppers, J.: Dance Suite / Bedard, D.: Petite Suite / Bolti
    Kloppers, J.: Dance Suite / Bedard, D.: Petite Suite / Bolti


    The artistic credo of the renowned Canadian organ duo (and husband and wife) Sylvie Poirier and Philip Crozier is manifested in their exclusive commitment to interpretations of original works, supplemented by commissions from composers who...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: March 01, 2001

  • Ospald: Aus dem Leopardi-Zyklus
    Ospald: Aus dem Leopardi-Zyklus


    Klaus Ospald's Leopardi Cycle is based on the work of Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi. Notable in all three works is a preference for low tonal regions, especially of the brass and woodwinds, augmented by deep...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 09, 2015

  • Korsun: Ulenflucht
    Korsun: Ulenflucht


    Anna Korsun's compositions explore unknown ground by repeatedly exploring aesthetic boundaries. Her portrait album in the series Edition Zeitgenossische Musik, presents five of these musical maps. With a wide variety of instrumentations, ranging from the...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 11, 2019

  • Müller-Siemens: Traces
    Müller-Siemens: Traces


    The chamber music works of Detlev M�ller-Siemens presented here were created between 2002 and 2009. In them, the serenity and thoughtfulness of the form contrast with the inner turbulence that comes from a musical language...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: November 21, 2014

  • Organ Recital: Leonardy, Bernhard - HUBER, H. / MOSER, R. /
    Organ Recital: Leonardy, Bernhard - HUBER, H. / MOSER, R. /


    Besides the "Fantasy on Words from the Holy Scriptures" by Hans Huber, the founder of the Swiss Composers Union and most important Swiss composer of the 19th century, this CD presents an yet unpublished work...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 01, 2001

  • Cage.: Etudes Boreales - Harmonies - 10'40.3''
    Cage.: Etudes Boreales - Harmonies - 10'40.3''


    Enormous technical requirements make John Cage's "Etudes Boreales" a highly virtuosic work, which requires an extreme sensitivity of feeling for the coordination of fingers, instrument, and intellect. On this CD it is presented in versions:...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 01, 2010



    Johannes Kreidler is a German composer and conceptual artist. He studied composition and music theory at the Freiburg University of Music and at the Institute of Sonology (computer music) at the Royal Conservatory of The...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: March 27, 2015

  • WEISS: Stille Mauern (Silent Walls)
    WEISS: Stille Mauern (Silent Walls)


    In an age of visual and acoustic overstimulation, it seems necessary to me to sensitize perception through our 'most divine organ' - the ear - and to make us conscious again of silence as an...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: May 09, 2006



    In his compositions, Jay Schwartz (born in California, now living in Cologne) works with the aspects of the physics of sound and utilizes tonality in the context of the physics of organic harmony, making use...

    Format: SACD

    Release Date: May 01, 2009



    As a jazz guitarist with a background in architecture, Matthias Ockert gets ideas for his works from the art of interior design, transferring spatial structures to music. A student of Wolfgang Rihm and Hanspeter Kyburz,...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: May 31, 2013