
  • Bach: Concertos with Flute / De Winne, Il Gardellino
    Bach: Concertos with Flute / De Winne, Il Gardellino


    In the 18th century, each composer of distinction and name composed works for the transverse flute: Antonio Vivaldi, Georg Philipp Telemann, Georg Frideric Handel and also Johann Sebastian Bach, who had the opportunity to meet...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 20, 2018

  • Bach: Christmas Cantatas / Kuijken, Van Der Crabben, Suh, Genz, Noskaiova
    Bach: Christmas Cantatas / Kuijken, Van Der Crabben, Suh, Genz, Noskaiova


    This is a hybrid Super Audio CD playable on both regular and Super Audio CD players. In the beginning there was great scepticism towards the thesis that Bach’s sacred vocal works were originally written for...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 01, 2011

  • Bach: Cello Suites
    Bach: Cello Suites


    Do you really know how the instrument looks for his Bach Suites for Violoncello wrote? Sigiswald Kuijken is in his research that it may not be dealing with the now well-known (held between the legs)...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 01, 2009

  • Bach: Cantatas: BWV 34 129 173 & 184 / Kuijken, La Petite Bande
    Bach: Cantatas: BWV 34 129 173 & 184 / Kuijken, La Petite Bande


    BACH Cantatas Nos. 34, 173, 184, 129 • Sigiswald Kuijken, cond; Gerlinde Sämann (sop); Petra Noskaiová (alt); Christoph Genz (ten); Jan Van der Crabben (bs); La Petite Bande (period instruments) • ACCENT 25316 (70:01 Text...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 01, 2013

  • Antonio Bertali: Sonatas
    Antonio Bertali: Sonatas


    William Dongois is one of the best-known cornettists of our time. He is able to play the repertoire of his instrument - the cornett resembles a flute in its construction, whereas its wooden mouthpiece is...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 07, 2014

  • Alessandro Piccinini: Lute Music  / Monica Pustilnik
    Alessandro Piccinini: Lute Music / Monica Pustilnik


    Alessandro Piccinini, a contemporary of Monteverdi and Frescobaldi, hailed from a Bolognese family of lutenists that made its mark on Italian musical life for over one and a half centuries. Piccinini's two books of lute...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: November 01, 2014

  • Pocket Mozart - Operas & Sonatas for Violin Duo / Deuter, Waisman
    Pocket Mozart - Operas & Sonatas for Violin Duo / Deuter, Waisman


    While today it is easy to listen to almost any piece at any time and in almost any place, before the invention of the record it was quite complicated: you had to go to a...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: July 08, 2022

  • Handel: Rodelinda / Dennis, Lowrey, Cummings, Göttingen Festival Orchestra
    Handel: Rodelinda / Dennis, Lowrey, Cummings, Göttingen Festival Orchestra


    It is the opera that launched the International Handel Festival in Göttingen in 1920: "Rodelinda" by George Frideric Handel. With its performance, festival founder Oskar Hagen initiated the Handel renaissance in Göttingen. After the festival...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: June 03, 2022

  • Mazzocchi: Prima le parole / Meyer, Pacquier, Les Traversées Baroques
    Mazzocchi: Prima le parole / Meyer, Pacquier, Les Traversées Baroques


    Domenico Mazzocchi's life and career are a prime example of the wealthy and sophisticated status of a highly educated musician in 17th century Rome. Protection by the Aldrobrandini, Barberini, Pamphilij and Borghese families gave him...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 15, 2022

  • Graupner: Der Herr ist auferstanden - Arias and Duets for Eastertide / Vitzthum, Poplutz, Jopp, Main Baroque Orchestra
    Graupner: Der Herr ist auferstanden - Arias and Duets for Eastertide / Vitzthum, Poplutz, Jopp, Main Baroque Orchestra


    Christoph Graupner was one of the most important composers in Germany during his lifetime. In the competition for the position of Leipzig's Thomaskantor, he was second only to Telemann and ahead of Bach. However, his...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 01, 2022

  • The Oboe in Berlin / Löffler
    The Oboe in Berlin / Löffler


    Under the reign of Frederic II, Berlin developed into one of the most important centres of the European music scene. He brought the most important composers and musicians to his court.BR Klassik respectfully called Xenia...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: October 01, 2021

  • Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 24, 30, 42 & 43 / Vashegyi, Orfeo Orchestra
    Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 24, 30, 42 & 43 / Vashegyi, Orfeo Orchestra


    The "Esterházy Music Collection" series with the Orfeo Orchestra conducted by György Vashegyi on the Accent label is dedicated to presenting musical treasures of the Esterházy family, many of which have been largely forgotten over...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: May 07, 2021

  • Nostalgia - Sea Of Memories / Devecioglu, Heumann, Diaz-Latorre
    Nostalgia - Sea Of Memories / Devecioglu, Heumann, Diaz-Latorre


    The Mediterranean Sea has been the hub of resettlement and migration for centuries. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the people who settled in those areas that were depopulated by years of war, expulsion...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: September 18, 2020

  • Paradisi Porte - Hans Memling's Angelic Concert / Becu, Tiburtina Ensemble, Oltremontano
    Paradisi Porte - Hans Memling's Angelic Concert / Becu, Tiburtina Ensemble, Oltremontano


    Around 1490, the painter Hans Memling created his "Concert of Angels". It consists of three paintings for the outside of an altar and shows God the Father surrounded by angels singing and playing instruments. What...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 16, 2021

  • Mozart: Piano Concertos Nos. 9, 11 & 12 / Schoonderwoerd, Cristofori
    Mozart: Piano Concertos Nos. 9, 11 & 12 / Schoonderwoerd, Cristofori


    Arthur Schoonderwoerd, one of today's most sought-after interpreters on the fortepiano, presents the sixth part of his complete recording of Mozart's piano concertos on the ACCENT label with this release of three early Piano Concertos,...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: February 17, 2017