Drama - Works by Giuseppe Verdi, Franz Danzi, Luciano Berio, Paul Taffanel and Jacob Gade / Acelga Quintett
- Genuin
- September 3, 2021
The Acelga Quintet's new thematic GENUIN album is full of drama! It features original works and arrangements for wind quintet by Luciano Berio, Franz Danzi, Jacob Gade, Claude-Paul Taffanel, and Giuseppe Verdi. All works relate their own narrative, both musically and dramatically: From homicidal opera thrillers to hungover brawls in the backlot: with a diverse tonal palette and a love of detail, the highly virtuosic wind ensemble interprets music that is dear to them. The five young musicians have won prizes in various competitions, including the ARD Music Competition, and hold positions at universities or major orchestras.
Product Description:
Release Date: September 03, 2021
UPC: 4260036257489
Catalog Number: GEN 21748
Label: Genuin
Number of Discs: 1
Composer: Various
Performer: Acelga Quintett