Kolar: Mass of the Sun of Justice (Misa Sol de Justicia) / Kolar

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Release Date
October 6, 2023
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A versatile Mass setting for use throughout the liturgical year, Mass of the Sun of Justice / Misa Sol de Justicia is fully bilingual, singable entirely in English or in Spanish, or any pastoral combination of both languages. At its core, this setting is built on assembly-minded melodies. Much of the choral writing is two-part, albeit spelled out in four voices, whereby the basses frequently double the soprano melody, and the alto and tenor lines essentially share a single harmony in their respective ranges, splitting only at cadence points for a fuller effect.

Optional descants and divisi further expand the voicing possibilities. The additional instrumentation is particularly spirited, further enhancing these sung texts for solemn occasions. “Sun of justice” is a term used to reference Christ with respect to his second coming, as found in the ancient “O” antiphons. This title appears in the Lectionary among the Alleluia options for the common of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and is, in fact, assigned to the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, celebrated within the Advent season. As such, the music is “Advent-like” in nature, joyful and filled with hope.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: October 06, 2023

  • UPC: 785147029731

  • Catalog Number: GIAG-10297CD

  • Label: GIA

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Peter M. Kolar

  • Orchestra/Ensemble: Gia Mass Choir

  • Performer: Peter M. Kolar