Dialogo del Soffio e del Metallo

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Release Date
October 5, 2018
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The process, we could call an alchemical metamorphosis, of the transformation of human breath into sound and then into music, is what has made the trumpet one of the most fascinating and most emotional instruments since ancient times. It is no coincidence that the idea of the trumpet as an object generating signals (although the meaning goes well beyond the practical function), as an instrument intended to announce events of particular importance, has always been present in Western culture. Countless iconographies bear witness to this fact. The great composers of the past did not resist the charm of the instrument, and even the production of the Twentieth Century is vast and kaleidoscopic. After this premise, the concept of dialogue must be clarified. This release is in fact structured intertwining different dialogues that take place simultaneously between different subjects, dialogues that reveal themselves immediately and dialogues that remain hidden and must be sought more in depth: dialogues that intersect and intertwine with each other.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: October 05, 2018

  • UPC: 8011570371041

  • Catalog Number: STR37104

  • Label: Stradivarius

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Various

  • Performer: Mariotti, Nava, Pirelli