
  • Dadone: Sine sole sileo / Divertimento Ensemble
    Dadone: Sine sole sileo / Divertimento Ensemble


    Inspiration and order, visionary and concrete: the compositional path shown by Edoardo Dadone could be summarized with these (and other similar, ad libitum) apparent antitheses. It is certain that any opening of the page the...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 07, 2023

  • Ciurlo: Abstraction to the point of / Divertimento Ensemble
    Ciurlo: Abstraction to the point of / Divertimento Ensemble


    … As Fernando Pessoa wrote, “no nostalgia hurts as much as nostalgia for things that never existed”. Francesco Ciurlo, in this overview of his works, frees us from this condition and invites us to another...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: April 07, 2023

  • Stefani: Sieben Lieder fur Gesang und Klavier nach Gedichten von Paul Celan
    Stefani: Sieben Lieder fur Gesang und Klavier nach Gedichten von Paul Celan


    The Sieben Lieder, composed in 2014, are the outcome of reflection on the poetics of Paul Celan, an author who in my experience has been a powerful catalyst for musical ideas. While in my previous...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: March 03, 2023

  • Braud: Contremouvement - New Chamber Music / Ensemble Alternance
    Braud: Contremouvement - New Chamber Music / Ensemble Alternance


    Augustin Braud holds a PhD in musicology from the University of Poitiers and the SACEM Claude Arrieu 2020 prize, awarded to a young composer of symphonic music. He was composer-in-residence at the Orchestre de Chambre...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: February 03, 2023

  • Paganini: 24 Caprices on Video / Anca Vasile Caraman
    Paganini: 24 Caprices on Video / Anca Vasile Caraman


    The 24 Caprices, as mentioned above, did not provoke any particular reaction in the European musical world when they were first published. At the moment, there are no known reviews in foreign press. It was...

    Format: DVD

    Release Date: February 03, 2023

  • I Feel the Flame of Love: Italian 14th-Century Music / I Trobadores
    I Feel the Flame of Love: Italian 14th-Century Music / I Trobadores


    "One of the most unexpected meteors in the history of music". With these words, while referring to the music of the Trecento, Nino Pirrotta comments on one of the most intricate enigmas of medieval musicology:...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: February 03, 2023

  • Carlo Forlivesi - ModernAntico / Frank, Zatti, Zardi, Vagnini, Whitman
    Carlo Forlivesi - ModernAntico / Frank, Zatti, Zardi, Vagnini, Whitman


    “Though this album may appear to deviate from the main themes and styles of my work, in reality it complements and enriches them. A familiar statement comes to mind: “Music first!”. It may sound simplistic,...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 06, 2023

  • Eugenio Della Chiara Plays Paganini, Galante, Garcia, Torroba, Cassado & Tedesco
    Eugenio Della Chiara Plays Paganini, Galante, Garcia, Torroba, Cassado & Tedesco


    Eugenio Della Chiara got his degree in classical guitar with full marks and honors at the Conservatoire of Pesaro. Among the Maestros he studied with three are Beppe Ficara, Andrea Dieci and Oscar Ghiglia, whose...

    Format: Vinyl

    Release Date: January 06, 2023

  • Taccani: Watcher / Sentieri Selvaggi
    Taccani: Watcher / Sentieri Selvaggi


    Colombo Taccani’s works often take their basic starting point from a brief fragment of very varied origin: Schumann, Ravel, chorale melodies, short portions of Gregorian chant have alternated with Duke Ellington or fragments of rock....

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 06, 2023

  • Boehm & Others: Il Flauto Rivoluzionario / Baracchi, Di Leo
    Boehm & Others: Il Flauto Rivoluzionario / Baracchi, Di Leo


    The compositions featured in this recording portray a pivotal step in the technical and constructive development of the flute: the moment in which the instrument – with production and manufacturing processes evolving and including a...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 06, 2023

  • Visages / Andrea Cagnin, Patricia Pagny
    Visages / Andrea Cagnin, Patricia Pagny


    “Today we have turned the page. A brutal youth proposes a new ideal and employs every means to affirm it. A fierce struggle is taking place around Akela at the Council Rock”. In a markedly...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: January 06, 2023

  • Pinelli: Nôtre-dame de le Babenzele / Rebaudengo, Mancuso
    Pinelli: Nôtre-dame de le Babenzele / Rebaudengo, Mancuso


    Not all the composers have such a deep and daily relationship with the piano like Rossano Pinelli, as this intense 2-hand and 4-hand collection shows. It is the same instrument which suggests the acoustic material...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: November 04, 2022

  • Sciarrino, Ishijima, Lang, Steinauer: Ondes / Lugano Percussion Ensemble
    Sciarrino, Ishijima, Lang, Steinauer: Ondes / Lugano Percussion Ensemble


    From its inception with landmark works like Edgard Varèse’s Ionization (1929-31), Amadeo Roldán’s Ritmicas (1930), or John Cage’s First Construction (In Metal) (1939), the percussion ensemble has been associated with innovations in rhythm—with driving, pulsating,...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: November 04, 2022

  • Dallapiccola, Rota et al: Illustrazioni - 20th Century Italian Piano Music / Vaarni
    Dallapiccola, Rota et al: Illustrazioni - 20th Century Italian Piano Music / Vaarni


    Recorded in Finland, in Järvenpää near Helsinki, this disc is a tribute to five extraordinary figures in Italian music: Gian Francesco Malipiero (1882-1973), Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968), Luigi Dallapiccola (1904-1975), Giacinto Scelsi (1905-1988), and Nino Rota...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: November 04, 2022

  • Telemann: Twelve Fantasien for Solo Violin / Caraman
    Telemann: Twelve Fantasien for Solo Violin / Caraman


    The Fantasias for solo violin composed by Georg Philipp Telemann (Magdeburg, 14th March 1681 – Hamburg, 25th June 1767) were published in 1735, approximately fifteen years after the Sonatas and partitas for solo violin by...

    Format: CD

    Release Date: November 04, 2022