Destinées / Sophie de Bardonnèche

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Release Date
October 18, 2024
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Destined to be musicians? The female composers to whom Baroque violinist Sophie de Bardonneche pays tribute enjoyed very different fates: while the name elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre (1665-1729) continued to be remembered, who knows Mlle Duval (born around 1718), the second woman to have a work presented at the Paris Opera and nicknamed 'la Legende' in her time? Her opera-ballet, Les Genies, remains a testament to her great mastery. Then there were Anne-Madeleine Guesdon de Presles and elisabeth-Louise Pellecier, composers married to composers - the latter signed her works with the name of her husband, Papavoine... Others found it easier to achieve the limelight because they were aristocrats, like Mlle de Menetou (1679-1745). No fewer than ten female composers are brought back to life in this programme of sonatas, overtures and dances devised by Sophie de Bardonneche, a founder member of Le Consort, who is accompanied on her first solo album by her partners Lucile Boulanger and Justin Taylor.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: October 18, 2024

  • UPC: 3701624510780

  • Catalog Number: ALPHA1078

  • Label: Alpha

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Mademoiselle Duval, Marie-Christine Fumeron, Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, Mademoiselle Laurent, M

  • Performer: Sophie de Bardonneche, Lucile Boulanger, Justin Taylor