First Ladies - Three Romantic Violin Sonatas / Vogel, Cesetti

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Release Date
August 20, 2021
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One could hardly intuit from these fresh and flowing violin sonatas the obstacles their female composers had to face - family opposition for Mel Bonis in France and Ethel Smyth in England, institutional conservatism for Elfrida Andrée in Sweden. It has taken a century and more for that initial prejudice to fall away, and they are now beginning to attract a fair hearing for their music. What ultimately matters, of course, is not whether composers are male or female but whether they write good music, and these three sonatas - melodically expansive, rhythmically vivacious, harmonically warm - point to the musical riches that further exploration of their creators' output will uncover.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: August 20, 2021

  • UPC: 5060640070134

  • Catalog Number: TOCN0013

  • Label: Toccata

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Andree, Bonis, Smyth

  • Performer: Vogel, Cesetti