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Release Date
July 1, 2002
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“What roles for the State ?” is a series of six conferences organized by “L’Universite de Tous Les Savoirs” from the 9th to the 14th of June 2000. For one year, this University presented 366 conferences in a multi-disciplinary state of mind, thus exposing an inventory of the knowledge of humanity, by means of conferences by majors actors of the scientific, intellectual, cultural or economic world. This challenge, the “Mission 2000”, was initiated by both the Cultural and National Education Ministries, conceived and led by Henri Michaud (philosopher and Art historian). 180 000 people assisted in these daily conferences. In a period when institutions are questioned, this 6-CD set offers a food for thought on the roles of the State, its sovereignty against universalization, its civil liability, penal and administrative responsibility, its action of regulation, etc. Features Michel Rocard (former First Minister) analysing the idea of public service and its missions.” Patrick FREMEAUX, editor of the sound version.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: July 01, 2002

  • UPC: 3561302504728

  • Catalog Number: FA5047

  • Label: Frémeaux

  • Number of Discs: 6

  • Composer: Various

  • Performer: Michel Rocard