Regular price $32.99
Release Date
October 1, 2021
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The spirit of Amalgam is that no two chords, motives, lines, phrases, rhythms are exactly the same. Everything is transforming - everything is an amalgam. Amalgam unfolds a chain link of transformations, variations and outgrowths. Musical connections are orbital; sounds cross-fertilize and establish relationships which, in turn, create new intersections and fulcrum points. The sonic predecessors of this work include Ravel, Debussy, Scriabin, Herbie Hancock, Art Tatum, Cecil Taylor, and Bill Evans, whose musical perfumes I have reveled in for decades. ARC I: INVOCATION is dedicated with admiration and gratitude to The Royal Academy of Music. ARC II: FUSION is dedicated with admiration and gratitude to Min Kwon

Product Description:

  • Release Date: October 01, 2021

  • UPC: 9790708167846

  • Catalog Number: NMP1135

  • Label: Nimbus

  • Composer: Augusta Read, Thomas