Concerti D'amore - Telemann, Vivaldi, Etc / Il Gardellino

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Release Date
January 1, 2004
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Pleasant to hear they are and so were named, viola d'amore, oboe d'amore and Flauto d'Amore. In the latter case it is a flute that - sounds like a third lower than the conventional instrument - similar to the oboe d'amore. The experimental sound sense Telemann, Graupner and Vivaldi gave this, for us today exotic instruments with a grateful solo and group concerts, of which imagine Marcel Ponseele and Il Gardellino us some of the most beautiful.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: January 01, 2004

  • UPC: 4015023241510

  • Catalog Number: ACT24151

  • Label: Accent

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Vivaldi, Grapner

  • Performer: Il Gardellino, Ponseele