Dussek: Piano Works, Vol. 3 / Frederick Marvin

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Sono Luminus
Release Date
November 27, 1991
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Like Chopin, Dussek wrote almost exclusively for piano. His style can be characterized as proto-romantic and an outgrowth as well as final florescence of the German Empfindsamkeit (sensibility) movement. Dussek's sonatas and concertos combine with a significant depth of expressive content, a wide range of dynamic levels varying from triple pianissimo to triple fortissimo, and a kaleidoscope of pianistic colors. They present great fluency and virtuoso polish. In his monumental three-volume 'History of the Sonata Idea,' the distinguished musicologist William S. Newman regards Dussek's best sonatas as being 'as close to the best of their day, including those of Clementi, Beethoven, Schubert and Weber - a view that may very well surprise all but the relatively few who have had the opportunity to explore or re-explore for themselves.' - Frederick Marvin

Product Description:

  • Release Date: November 27, 1991

  • UPC: 751758013827

  • Catalog Number: DIS-80138

  • Label: Sono Luminus

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Dussek, Jan Ladislav

  • Performer: Frederick, Marvin