Emmerich Kálmán: Die Faschingsfee
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- April 5, 2019
In 1915 the Hungarian composer Emmerich K�lm�n celebrated what certainly qualifies as his greatest pubic success in the operetta metropolis of Vienna with Die Cs�rd�sf�rstin. For his next operetta, which beheld the light of the stage world at the Johann Strau� Theater in Vienna on 21 September 1917, K�lm�n and his librettists Alfred Maria Willner and Rudolf �sterreicher drew on a work that had already been presented with success in Budapest and had even conquered New York's Broadway: it was thus that Zsuzsi kisasszony (Miss Susi) or Miss Springtime (Fr�ulein Fr�hling) became Die Faschingsfee (The Carnival Fairy) for the Viennese public of the war years. For it the three authors came up with a plot that is set in Munich during the Carnival season and in the twilight years of the monarchies in Bavaria and Austria-Hungary issued it's appeal for the elimination of social strictures and the guarantee of the right to follow one's own heart. While Die Faschingsfee was redesigned as a most highly successful star vehicle for Fritzi Massary in Berlin, the same work - with hits like �Heut' flieg ich aus,� �Liebling, du mein Liebling,� and �Lieber Himmelvater, sei nicht b�s� on the same high musical level as Die Cs�rd�sf�rstin - celebrated it's Munich premiere in 1918 at the G�rtnerplatztheater and during subsequent years scored triumphs around the world. On the occasion of it's hundredth anniversary, the theater director Josef E. K�pplinger and his team rescued this fun Carnival work from decades of neglect and revived it right on time for the Munich Carnival in 2017!
Product Description:
Release Date: April 05, 2019
UPC: 761203514724
Catalog Number: 555147-2
Label: CPO
Number of Discs: 1
Composer: Emmerich, Kalman
Performer: Chor & Orchester Des Staatstheaters Am Gartnerplatz, Brandstatter