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Release Date
October 1, 1987
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No romantic artistic life � la Wagner or Puccini stands in the background of Egk's body of work. His artistic personality exhibits no monomania. Egk viewed himself with a certain objectivity; humor, wit, and sarcasm are the characteristic elements of such a distancing self-perspective. In many ways Egk can be considered an heir of the French 18th century, a descendent of Voltaire whom Egk first read and admired in his school years in Augsburg, and who remained an influence throughout Egk's life. So "La Tentation" is indicative of Egk's relationship to France, in particular the enlightenment of 18th century rationalism. Janet Walker: alto / Werner-Egk-Quartett / Manfred Clement: oboe / Ulf Rodenh�user: clarinet / Johannes Ritzkowsky: horn / Eberhard Marschall: bassoon / Werner Booz: double bass.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: October 01, 1987

  • UPC: 4010228613322

  • Catalog Number: WER60133-50

  • Label: Wergo

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Werner, Egk

  • Orchestra/Ensemble: Werner-Egk Quartett

  • Performer: Walker, Ritzkowsky, Marschall, Booz, Clement, Rodenhaeuser