New Orleans Shuffle

Regular price $15.98
Release Date
March 2, 2004
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This is the OSD's third Delmark outing - on the first, they supported Clancy Hays, and on the second, they joined Franz Jackson. The OSD are generally classified as a West Coast traditional revival jazz band, playing in a style whose origins date back to the 1920s. But their music is a synthesis of styles transcending the revivalist category, because you'll hear echoes of Bix, Red Nichols, as well as the old New Orleanians. This album was recorded in 1966 & contains 14 songs, including 5 bonus tracks.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: March 02, 2004

  • UPC: 038153024024

  • Catalog Number: DLM240.2

  • Label: DELMARK

  • Performer: Original Salty Dogs Jazz Band