Rosetti: Piano Concerto & 2 Symphonies / Veljkovic, Moesus

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Release Date
June 23, 2017
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Antonio Roseltti spent the most productive years of his life in two rural residential capitals in southern and norther Germany, far removed from the centres of contemporary musical life. Yet the poet-composer Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubert and the well-travelled English musical savant Charles Burney numbered him among the mos timportant and beloved composers of his day, the latter even placing him on a par wtih Haydn and mozart. Not only do the many known performances of his music prove that it was indeed popular and widely disseminated in his day, his success is also reflected in the fact that more than half o fhis output was issued in print by renowned publishers until well into the late 1790s. The piano has been the center of Natasa Veljkovic's life ever since she was four years old. After studies with her ''musical father'', Prof. Arobo Valdma, in Belfrade, she was accepted to Prof. Paul Badura-Skoda's class at the Vienna University of Music at the age of fourteen. She has earned many distinctions and awards throughout her career and regularly perofrms throughout Europe.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: June 23, 2017

  • UPC: 761203785223

  • Catalog Number: 777852-2

  • Label: CPO

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Antonio, Rosetti

  • Performer: Veljkovic, Sudwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, Moesus