Scherber: Symphony No. 1 & Lieder / Adriano, Bratislava Symphony

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Sterling Records
Release Date
February 2, 2018
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Martin Scherber’s output is modest in size. He worked for years on each of his symphonies. In addition, between 1930 and 1937 he composed several song cycles (including 27 children’s songs) and individual songs to texts by Goethe, Morgenstern, Novalis and himself. Observations by Scherber himself about his music are very rare, and no comments about the First Symphony have survived from the period during which it was being written. The only remarks that we have come from the time of the work’s revision after the first performance in March 1952. On 1 August 1953, for example, Scherber tells us: ‘The world of the First Symphony is close to my heart. In fact I am more at one with these worlds than with everything in this world. It was my wish that we should both hear it the way it was intended.’

Product Description:

  • Release Date: February 02, 2018

  • UPC: 7393338111320

  • Catalog Number: CDS1113

  • Label: Sterling Records

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Martin, Scherber

  • Orchestra/Ensemble: Bratislava Symphony Orchestra

  • Performer: Adriano, Heyer, Jonsson, Djeddikar, Cromm