Schoenberg: Pelleas und Melisande; Verklarte Nacht
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- October 11, 2024
The Orchestre symphonique de Montreal and it's Music Director Rafael Payare celebrate Arnold Schoenberg's 150th birthday with a recording of two of his late-Romantic masterworks: Verklarte Nacht and Pelleas und Melisande. Both pieces are based on stories evolving around love, jealousy, acceptance and forgiveness, and showcase Schoenberg's expressive harmonic language and scintillating, multifarious orchestration. The album booklet features unique photography and paintings by Arnold Schoenberg, sketching a vivid picture of this extraordinarily versatile artist. After their acclaimed PENTATONE recordings of Mahler's Fifth Symphony (2023), as well as his Ruckert-Lieder and Strauss's Ein Heldenleben (2024), Payare and the orchestra further explore this late-Romantic repertoire that fits them like a glove.
Product Description:
Release Date: October 11, 2024
UPC: 8717306262187
Catalog Number: PTC5187218
Number of Discs: 1
Composer: Arnold Schoenberg
Performer: Orchestre Symphonique de Montreal