The Art of the Finnish Kantele

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ARC Music
Release Date
March 31, 2015
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Martti Pokela, Eeva-Leena Sariola and Matti Kontio are among the foremost players of the Finnish kantele, a folk instrument of the psaltery type. Almost nothing is known about early Kantele repertory, beyond a probable narrow melodic range. In more modern times the kantele has become a box-shaped instrument of 12 to 46 strings fastened to wood or iron wrest pins, tuned diatonically and encompassing 3-4 octaves. "The Art of the Finnish Kantele" presents 17 kantele pieces, both traditional melodies and new compositions. Played on 5, 9-and 36-string kanteles and the jouhikko (bowed lyre)

Product Description:

  • Release Date: March 31, 2015

  • UPC: 5019396257320

  • Catalog Number: EUCD2573

  • Label: ARC Music

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Martti Pokeka, Matti Kontio, E

  • Performer: Pokela, Sariola, Kontio