Transcendental Bach / Thomas Labé

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Sono Luminus
Release Date
January 30, 1990
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The tradition of transcribing, arranging and adapting the music of Johann Sebastian Bach can be traced to the master himself: Bach made a lifelong habit of arranging works, his own and those of other composers. Indeed, Bach ranks among the most skilled and prolific arrangers in the history of music. Arrangements of his work by others can be considered in two broad catagories. In the first are contained those transcriptions which do not incorporate substantial changes to the original compositions, for example Liszt's Six Preludes and Fugues. In the second category are found those arrangements which display a creative intent on the part of the arranger - one can think of Mozart's transcription for string trio of six fugues from The Well-Tempered Clavier, each preceded by an original prelude (KV 404a), or Gounod's Méditation sur le premier prélude de piano de S. Bach (1853), to which the words of the Ave Maria were subsequently added. It is to this latter genre of creative Bach transcriptions that the works contained on this disc belong. - Thomas Labé

Product Description:

  • Release Date: January 30, 1990

  • UPC: 751758011724

  • Catalog Number: DIS-80117

  • Label: Sono Luminus

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Bach, J.S.

  • Performer: Thomas, Labe