Zu Gast Im Blauen Haus

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Ars Produktion
Release Date
November 13, 2015
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Der Musikalische Garten's second recording "A Visit to the Blue House: Trio Sonatas" continues their exploration of the collection of 18th century Basel merchant Lucas Sarasin. Building on the strengths of their debut with the uncommon scordatura tuning, the depth of Lucas Sarasin's music collection is further revealed with these trio sonatas that showcase the breadth of composers working in southwestern Germany and northern Italy, the two centers of instrumental chamber music of the day. The 'Blue House' of the title references Sarasin's home which doubled as a salon and performance space and this recording allows us indeed a visit to eavesdrop during a fertile time of transition that bridged the Baroque and Classical eras.

Product Description:

  • Release Date: November 13, 2015

  • UPC: 4260052381854

  • Catalog Number: ARS38185

  • Label: Ars Produktion

  • Number of Discs: 1

  • Composer: Stamitz, Sammartini, Pugnani

  • Performer: Musical Garden (Chamorro, Klemm, Beller, Niedhammer)